Yes on Measure M! Support Loma Prieta Schools

Why Loma Prieta Elementary and C.T. English Middle Schools need Measure M

  • Keep our teachers
    • Our Teachers are the lowest paid in Santa Clara County. We cannot retain the teachers we have or recruit new ones if we cannot offer competitive salaries
  • Curriculum Updates
    • We need curriculum that aligns with Los Gatos High School and will prepare our students to thrive in a rigorous high school environment
  • Keep Co-Curricular Programs
    • We are in danger of losing art, music, elementary P.E., and some middle school electives
  • Strong schools mean strong home values

Loma Prieta Elementary and C.T. English Middle schools are part of what makes our mountain community unique. Great teachers and rigorous math, science, history, reading, and writing curriculum have prepared generations of mountain children to succeed in high school, college, and careers.

The loss of revenue from the parcel tax that expired in 2020, as well as the ongoing financial effects of the pandemic, inflation, and a series of unfunded or underfunded mandates have hurt our schools. The level of school funding provided by the State of California is one of the lowest in the nation. Measure M is necessary! We depend on local revenue to supplement limited State funding.

Taxpayer protections are REQUIRED. NO funds are allowed for administrators’ salaries. Independent Citizens’ Oversight and mandatory audits are required for fiscal accountability.

Measure M costs less than $30.33 a month for property owners. A senior citizen exemption is available. Every penny stays local to benefit Loma Prieta and C.T. English schools and students only. This money cannot be taken away by the State.

Whether or not you have school-age children, protecting the high quality of our public education is a wise investment. Good schools protect property values and keep our mountain community strong.

Join teachers, parents, and residents in VOTING YES on Measure M!